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Conference Topics
Topics within the scope of the conference include the following areas, but not limited to:
- Renewable (Green) Energy Systems and Sources (RESSs) as Wind Power, Hydropower, Solar Energy, Biomass, Biofuel, Geothermal Energy, Wave Energy, Tidal energy, Hydrogen & Fuel Cells, Energy Storage
- New Trends and Technologies for RESSs
- Policies and Strategies for RESSs
- Energy Transformation from Renewable Energy System (RES) to Grid
- Novel Energy Conversion Studies for RESs
- Power Devices and Driving Circuits for RESs
- Control Techniques for RESs
- Grid Interactive Systems Used in Hybrid RESs
- Performance Analysis of RESs
- Hybrid RESSs
- Decision Support Systems for RESSs
- Renewable Energy Research and Applications for Industries
- RESSs for Electrical Vehicles and Components
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Studies for RESs and Applications
- Computational Methods for RESSs
- Energy Savings for Vehicular Technology, Power Electronics, Electric Machinery and Control, etc.
- New Approaches in Lightings
- Public Awareness and Education for Renewable Energy and Systems
- Reliability and Maintenance in RESSs
- Smart grids and RESSs
- Safety and Security of RESSs
- Renewable Energy Systems in Smart Cities
- Future Challenges and Directions for RESSs
- IoT for RESSs
- Energy Management, VPP(Virtual Power Plant) and ERAB (Energy Resource Aggregation Businesses) for RESSs
- Model based Design and Digital Twin for RESSs